Learn A Word: Krukolibidinous
Grow your vocabulary and impress/weird people out with your knowledge.
Welcome to Learn A Word in 100 Words.
Here I will share a word, one that may have fallen out of vernacular or is just unusual. I’ll give you the definition and then share a story I wrote using the word in 100 words.
I challenge you to write something using the word as well.
It can be a single sentence, a 100-word drabble, or a longer story. Of if writing isn’t your jam and you’re inspired another way, go nuts. Stretch your creative muscles and show me what you’ve got!
But first…
Are you a new visitor to Twisting the Myths? Join me and over 500 myth hunters to enjoy a drabble like the one below, discover more mysteries and monsters, or crafting inspiration.
1: the act of staring at someone's crotch
Don't look up. Do not look up. Watch your feet. If you have to look up, make sure to make eye contact. It doesn't matter if the person is a complete stranger, just look in their eyes. Act like there is something on their face! It's better to have people give you weird looks for that than being caught staring at... other body parts.
But it can't be helped. Your gaze is drawn to it like a magnet. You want to see. Especially if it is a guy's. Why is krukolibidinous such a crime? There's no harm in looking.
Fun fact:
I wrote this story ages ago, but I had to share it after some discussion on Notes from
If so, then learn what Selenophila means in 200 words by clicking the link below.
My next email will drop on the 13th. Keep your eyes peeled because I will be sharing a new Michigan mystery!
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Thank you for reading.
Until next time, stay spooked!
“My eyes are up here,” said Brad to Claire with a sniff. “There’s a word for what you’re doing, you know. Krukolibidinous. Look it up. You’re gonna say it’s as American as apple pie. And speaking of apples, it’s in Genesis. I’m aware. First thing our original mom and dad did in the Garden when their eyes were opened was check out their respective down-belows . I know, it’s instinct. Like bugs to a headlight. But I’d like to think you af all people could overcome such baser instincts.”
“Dude I’m just trying to tell you your fly is open.”
Where's that soundbyte of that guy screaming, "PATRICIA!!"?