Loving the moon and finding it soothingly captivating
A Sci-Fi Flash Fiction inspired by my novel, Abducted Life.
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She used to love the moon. The way it illuminated the world in a silvery glow. How enormous it appeared on the horizon and grew smaller the higher it climbed—an optical illusion that only Mother Nature could preform. She’d spend nights in the fields by her parents’ house, staring at it and wondering what it’d feel like to stare at Earth from it. It soothed her. Captivated her.
Now it was a curse. A hungry beast whose light lit her on fire. It ripped her apart. It made her cry in anguish as it ravaged her body.
She hated the emotions it evoked, the wild animal it turned her into. She hated how powerless it left her, a quivering mass huddled in the shadows. In those dark moments, it took all her strength to hold on, to not give in to the beast howling inside her. She clung to the knowledge that it would pass. The moon would release it’s hold on her. She would feel human again.
Afterward, she would go out to stare up at the glowing orb, to let it know she had endured again. I always will, she’d whisper.
I know, the moon replied back.
Then go check out my science fiction romance this story is based on, Abducted Life. I wrote it when I wondered, “What if aliens created vampires and werewolves?”
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Until next time, stay spooked!
Love the story! <3
Nice story. Poor girl.