Ghost Hunting: The Ghosts in the Michigan Bell Telephone Company
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Do ghosts make prank calls?
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Before we get to the ghosts, I just want to give a big thank you to YOU. Yes, you reading this email. I’ve strolled past 420 recently, and a convo with hubby had me realize something.
He has a work thing coming up and he has to give a presentation to about 40 people. We were discussing how many people that is when usually he is only talking to a handful. It made me realize how mind-boggling it is how many people read ME.
So, thank you for reading me. 🥰
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I have a family that live down in Grand Rapids, MI, so when I learned about this ghostly story, I was excited to dive in. Next time I’m down visiting family, I’m going to have to scope out the building and see what I can uncover. Until then, let me share the haunting tale of the ghosts in the Michigan Bell Telephone Company.
Our story begins in 1853 when the Judd-White House was built. Its owners were George and Sarah White, two of the city’s first settlers. George was the mayor of Grand Rapids for two years in 1861 and 1862. But as the years passed, the mansion deteriorated and by the early 1900s, it was a shadow of its former self and converted to a boarding house.
One couple to rent a room at the Judd-White House was the Randalls, Warren and Virginia. They had relocated from Detroit in search of a better life. Eventually, Warren got a job as a railroad brakeman and the couple settled into a happy life.
The summer of 1908 tragedy stuck Warren and he lost his leg in an accident. He was supplied with a wooden leg but was unable to return to work and fell into a deep depression. Paranoid and irrational, he accused Virginia of cheating on him. The police were called often to break up fights. Finally in 1910, Virginia had enough and left Warren after he chased her into the street with a razor, threatening to kill her.
Warren pursued Virginia, begging for forgiveness and pledging to change. At first, she ignored him. Then one night, she agreed to meet him for a carriage ride. By then the boarding house was vacant but they ended at the room they once shared as a happy couple.
Weeks later, the police were called to the boarding house to investigate a horrid odor coming from the building. They broke in and eventually found the decomposing bodies of Warren and Virginia. In investigation ensued and it was determined that after taking Virginia to their former room, Warren beat her to death with his wooden leg before slitting his own throat.
In the years to come, residents of the area often spoke of hearing strange noises from the abandoned building. A couple arguing, screaming, and a thumping of what sounded like a wooden leg hitting the floor. Police would be called, but they never found a source of the noises.
In 1924, the Michigan Bell company bought the land, demolished the home and built an office building. Long-time residents breathed a sigh of relief, thinking the strange noises had been put to an end.
Instead, it grew.
Late in the night, phones would ring. When the residents answered, all they heard was silence. Once more, police investigated. They were able to trace all the calls back to the Michigan Bell building. Yet no one was in the building during those hours.
Some people claim you can still hear Virginia and Warren arguing and that the calls persist today. But what are they? A prank? Weird glitch? Or a ghostly couple forever locked in argument?
My next email will drop into your inbox on MAY 27th. Keep your eyes open because I will be sharing a story about true love refusing to take a bullet to the brain.
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Thank you for reading.
Until next time, stay spooked!
What's more terrifying than ghost phone calls?
Ghost phone calls from dead children, I suppose.
I think I prefer the spam calls I get on my cell phone. They're just mildly irritating and/or hoping to rip me off; not, y'know, tormented souls from beyond the grave.