2023 was…a year that happened. It’s left me wanting to skip some parts of 2024. But despite everything, I did managed a good bit. I want to celebrate what I did despite everything that got piled onto me (some of it shouldn’t have been. Maybe I feel like venting a little.)
In 2023 I…
wrote 34 200-word stories.
edited 54 100-word stories into 200-word stories.
which resulted in 2 finished A Quick Tale collections.
wrote 9 chapters in a secret project.
wrote 3 flash fiction pieces for Substack (one I killed myself in. There is no escaping The Suff.)
edited A LOT.
finished writing Strength of Love and started Tenacity of Love.
knitted 134 familiars and 23 hats (some patterns I wrote myself!)
Like, damn, y’all.
Thank you for your support, and until next time, stay spooked!
~Patricia J.L.
PS: This post originally had more, some talk about skipping winter and parts of 2024, and a love of Christmas lights. It was for Insecure Writer’s Support Group, but I moved that elsewhere. I wanted to keep this to remind myself of what I got done in 2023 despite life being a huge bitch.
That looks to me like a pretty good pile of writing to accomplish while going through all the shit you've been going through.
And though I enjoy a lot of aspects of the holidays, I am also really all about the lights! Here in Seattle people put them up early and leave them late, to help us all through the dark months.
That's a great list. Sometimes we need to write it out so we can see what we've accomplished! Sorry, it's been so rough. Enjoy the lights--my favorite thing too.